
Showing posts from August, 2020
  PhD Funding Programmes Should Offer Four Year Studentships      PhD's are officially three years programmes in the UK, but it is now very common for students to take four years to finish their thesis. Most PhD students won't become lecturers but most want it to happen and the increased demands of the academic job market require that you give papers, organise conferences, write publications, and teach during your PhD. Doing all of these things will not guarantee you a job or make you stand out from the competition, it just means that you are meeting the bare minimum expected of you when you go on to apply for postdocs and early lecturing jobs. Like many others, I've done all of the above during my PhD, and it's undeniable that it has knocked a year out of my research time. I've spoken to lecturers and they've told me that my publication was "done correctly" if it took that much time out of my research. I will be taking a fourth year to finish up m...